This is a classic pong game but with a reverse mechanic and some sweet characters, you get to talk or sometimes flirt with. Your goal is to leave the game space through the wall but to do that you have to get through the boss and its companions.
The rules of the world are simple: don't touch the ball and talk to your opponents to become stronger or weaker!

How to play:
* WASD left and right controls
* Mouse left click to interact with buttons
* ESC to pause the game

The game was developed in 48 hours for the game jam Game Jam #1

* Lem - Art
* Nebohatkina Oksana - Design
* Zeiderman - Music
* Ian Mustiats - Code


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If anyone will be interested in listening to soundtrack separetly, I've uploaded it to my SoundCloud. Enjoy our game! 

link to playlist -